Love To Serve. Serve To Love.
We believe people were created to serve and are most fulfilled when doing so.
Have you ever wondered where you fit in God’s story? Here at The Refuge, we believe people are most fulfilled when they follow Jesus’ example of serving. Serving is loving! We offer the opportunity for every person to use their God-given gifts and talents to become a part of a bigger story through serving. We look forward to finding that place with you.

Interested In Serving
If you’re interested in serving, fill out the volunteer application and select the team(s) you would like to serve on!

If you’re interested in serving, fill out the volunteer application and select the team(s) you would like to serve on!
Connect With Our
Serve Director
Sign up for a phone call with our Serve Director Mary Bivin to find out what area of serving is best for you, or to ask any questions about serving at The Refuge Church. If you’re interested in serving but not sure which team would be the best fit, click the link below and we’ll help you get connected!

Sign up for a phone call with our Serve Director, Mary Bivin to find out what area of serving is best for you, or to ask any questions about serving at The Refuge Church. If you’re interested in serving but not sure which team would be the best fit, click the link below and we’ll help you get connected!
Areas to Serve
Create a comfortable environment so people can be open to receiving God’s love and truth. Serve weekends or special events as a greeter, usher, parking, in the cafe, info area, hospitality, facilities, bookstore, or behind the scenes.
Play a part in creating a safe and comfortable environment.
Become a part of weekend services or special events through singing and or playing an instrument.
Creating environments that allow people to grow in their faith in the digital age.
Create content through photography, video, or social media to share what God is doing through The Refuge
Help people move closer to God and others in relational community.
Strives to create the best environments for children ages 6m – 5th grade to learn about how much Jesus loves them, at their level!
Engages the next generation by connecting students in grades 6-12 with strong Christian mentors so that they can do life together.
Join us as we love and share Jesus with our city!
Provides care and support for our church family.